Logan Brooks

Sep 22, 2023

Meet Logan, Drew’s classmate, a talented gymnast, and a close friend that shared his passion for competition.

“Dear Drew,

Trying to pick one memory with one of the best people I knew is too hard, so I wanted share a few. One of my favorite memories that I have with Drew is when we would both get home late from practice and do ab workouts together everyday for at least a month. As soon as I would get home he wouldn’t give me time to do anything except for FaceTime him and do our specific 10 minute ab workout that we would do every night. One of the reasons that I loved him so much was that he always wanted the best for me and pushed me to work hard until I reached all of my goals.

Another favorite memory I have of Drew is when I was at a gymnastics competition in Alabama and I texted him after the meet that I had gotten fourth place. He told me that if I wasn’t first, I was last and I had to go back to the gym and work harder. This pushed me and all I wanted to do was make him proud, which is what I strive to do everyday.

Lastly, one of my absolute favorite memories with Drew is from social studies class in 8th grade. Since Drew and I were both competitive athletes, our favorite thing to do was to plan our future commitment party that we were going to have together. I was going to go to GW and he was going to go to Harvard. Drew always gave the best advice and shaped me into the best person and athlete I can be.

Thank you Drew, I love you.

– Logan”